Thursday, September 29, 2011

[Twitter/FB][29.09.2011] Jung Min Latest Tweets/Updates

Credit: JungMin0403 @ Twitter + ParkJungMinOfficial @ FB
English Trans: shewen0629 @ Twitter

아~~~졸려!!!모두들 긋나잇~~^^*
Ah~~~sleepy!!! Good night everyone ~~^^*


말레이시아 단체컷 다시!!^^
Malaysia group photo again!!


밥먹고 에프터눈티 정도 마실 수 있는 퀄리티 또한 받쳐주는 남자
Quality afternoon tea after lunch. And a nice faced guy.


대만에 닭열매가 있다면 말래이시아엔 까마귀열매가!!!
There were chickens in Taiwan and crows in Malaysia!!!


대만 백수 시절 재미있는 사진을 찾았어요~! 옆에 랑카는 더러운 웃장을 까고 있어요. 비호감이예요! 사진찍을때마다 내가 연예인인데 머리 작게 나온다고 뒤에가요. 내 인내심을 시험해요. 참을 인 3개를 그려요.
Found an interesting picture while bumming around in Taiwan~! Ranka who was beside me was smiling. Protected feeling. He will move behind so that his head will look smaller like an artiste whenever we take photos. Testing my patience.


그리고 공연 단체컷~~^^* 막내가 밥그릇 못챙겨먹고 얼굴안나왔다~~! 가라가라말고 와라와라~! 내게 와라와라와라
And performing group artwork (picture)~~^^* The youngest did not eat well thus his face did not appear~~!


뭔가~~했죠? 케이블카예요!! 역시나 내려오니 비가 내리고있었어요!
What was i doing? Cable car!! It was really raining when i came down.


말레이시아에서~~^^ 구름 위를 붕붕 떠다니고 있지요
In Malaysia ~~^^ floating above the fluffy clouds right

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[Twitter/FB][28.09.2011] Jung Min Latest Tweets/Updates

Credit: JungMin0403 @ Twitter + ParkJungMinOfficial @ FB
English Trans: shewen0629 @ Twitter

말레이시아에서 날 페닉상태로 만들었던 종이~~~
condition of paper i made under panick situation in Malaysia ~~~


박정민씨가 대만에 촬영 중인 <번당화원>에 관한 소식들은 코믹리츠 드라마 홍보 페이스북에서 보실 수 있어요! 지금 가보실까요?
想知道朴政珉拍攝"翻糖花園"的最新消息嗎? 請馬上到"可米瑞智偶像劇粉絲團"按讚,成為我們的一員~
Please come to join COMICRITZ FB Fans Club to get the firsthand news of Park Jung Min~

可米瑞智偶像劇粉絲團 FB Fanpage:

[Fan Photo & Fancam][27.09.2011] Jung Min @ Taoyuan Int'l Airport Back from Malaysia

Credit: cat (小绵羊)


Credit: Emmalady0403 + emilytien0825 + YOYO501TW

Monday, September 26, 2011